Friday, October 23, 2009

TRUTH, a first guess.

I think that this is a reasonably succinct definition that we can use as a beginning.


A proposition, p, has a truth-value of true if p is believed or asserted. I take the phrases "Assume p" or "Let p" which usually begin logical or mathematical proofs to be assertions. To assert the falsehood of p is to assert the truth of not p.

The term "correspondence" implies some form of evaluation (comparison) of the proposition, p, with respect to an empirical referent. For this there must be an interpretive function in the brain which figures out what was proposed (the proposition) and compares it to what it (the brain) has figured out about what is (exists) and renders a truth value.

The term "coherence" implies some form of evaluation of the proposition, p, with respect to a set of logical referents (propositions). For this there must be a brain function to figure out whether the proposition fits in logically with the other set of propositions and render a truth value.

In any case, the evaluated truth value of the proposition overrides the asserted or believed truth value of it.


Unknown said...

Interesting, but a property? Of a proposition? What is a proposition?

Bill Wallace said...

See for discussion of the notion of a proposition. Only as a truthbearer would I construe it as having a property. Like snow having the property of color, i.e., white, truthbearers seem to have the property of truth-value (true or false).

I will contest this view in future posts.